The Port Hope Heritage Ecology Garden is dedicated to growing trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables organically, in harmony with natural processes; to conserving and developing native heritage plants; to furthering public education and community spirit and to promoting greater self-reliance and a greener, healthier community. History/Background: The Garden on Ontario St. was established in 1995 as a demonstration garden, originally designed by Miriam Mutton and now under the watchful eye of Kathryn McHolm, whose own garden has been featured in Canadian Gardening Magazine. Another garden, also on Ontario St. but closer to the downtown is being developed, starting in the 2002 season. A design for this garden has been created by Kathryn McHolm. See page 9 for more information.
Location: The Port Hope Heritage Ecology garden is located on Hope Street North, just off Ontario Street, across from the old Ministry of Transportation Building.
Features of The Garden: The demonstration garden is divided into a variety of beds, each with a theme designed to introduce the visitor to heritage plants, herbs, perennials, annuals and organic gardening:
Wildflower area: This contains both native and introduced plants which are part of our heritage, valuable and irreplaceable. Heritage plants: The Garden promotes the use of rare and old plant varieties suited to the local environment. Medicinal Plants: There is a collection of common garden and wild plants which have medicinal properties. Alternative Groundcovers: As an alternative to grass, herbs and other plants are used. They are easy to maintain and many believe they look better than grass. Woodchips and stones have been used to create paths through the garden. Composting: The system has been designed both as a functional supply of humus rich soil amendment and as an educational display of the value of applying the environmental principle of reduce, reuse and recycle. The compost bins are made from recycled material and a large rain barrel helps provide water for the garden. Plant material from the garden is composted and returned to the soil to help feed next season's displays and encourage beneficial soil organisms.