A second very successful Natural Homestead Tour took place  around Port Hope and Cobourg on Saturday, June 8th and Sunday, June 9th, 2002

Folks came from far and wide (Guelph, Minden ….. ) to visit some, or all of the 12 sites displaying the ways in which they "Live in Harmony with Nature".

In the spirit of the theme, car pooling and cycling  were options that many took.

Cyclists gathered  at Port Hope Town Hall, ready to start the Adventure ……..

We checked out the
abundance of vegetables and flowers at the Port Hope Villa Garden.

We strolled through gardens full of colour and fragrance ….

Saw a pool converted into a water garden …..

Observed how others reduced grass cutting.

Learnt about hardy old fashioned roses …...

and about growing vegetables organically.

And saw how some took part in Community Shared Agriculture ...or created a butterfly garden …...

…. And how others conserve energy and use the sun's rays for heating (and even cooking.) 

Thank you to everyone who participated to make this an enjoyable tour, especially to all the site owners, volunteers, and members of the Port Hope Heritage Ecology Garden Board, in particular Kathryn McHolm who set the idea in motion and Don Endicott who answered most of the enquiries from out of town.   

The Cycling tour was organized by Celia and Tim Hope of the Ganaraska Freewheelers

And enjoyed the magic that mother nature has to offer along the way.

1.Introduction 2. Ecological Gardening
3.The Organizations
4. The Cobourg Ecology Garden 
5. The Port Hope Heritage Ecology Garden
6. Other Projects 7. Special Events
8. The Natural Homestead Tour 
9. The 2002 Season in the Gardens 10. More Info